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Kom og mød os på Spåntagningsdagene!
Bliv opdateret på de nyeste løsninger indenfor CNC-bearbejdning på Spåntagningsdagene i Middelfart den 2. og 3. oktober 2024!Der lagt op til begivenhedsrige dage med masser af netværk, nyeste teknologier og ikke mindst en masse bearbejdning, når Spåntagningsdage 2024 igen løber af stablen. Det bliver to dage fyldt med live demoer, ny teknologi, og masser af netværksmuligheder inden for metalbearbejdning. Kom ind og besøg Olav og Kim på udstillingen og se en præsentation af vores robotløsning...
KUKA Award winner
QRS tager prisen for KUKA System Partner of the Year 2023Jens Bonefeld, Martin Schmidt og Hans Jørgen Gam har været i Gøteborg for at modtage KUKA System Partner of the Year 2023.Det er syvende gang vi har æren af at få overrakt prisen og denne gang med følgende begrundelse fra KUKA: "At blive anerkendt som Årets KUKA System Partner er et vidnesbyrd om det urokkelige engagement, innovation, og samarbejdsånd, som QRS står for. I en verden, hvor præcision og effektivitet er altafgørende, har QRS...
See you at VTM 2023?
See you at stand no. 3046 at the VTM fair 2023?QRS will participate again at the next VTM fair, because it is an important showcase for our solutions within robot automation. Our robot cells are primarily targeted at the chip-removing industry in Denmark, and in the video you can get a sneak-peak from the last time we were at the fair. Due to the corona restrictions of the last few years, the fair has been postponed a few times, so we are looking forward to greeting everyone who should come by our stand. We...
Robotter skal gavne virksomheder på Djursland
Robots will benefit companies in DjurslandNørgaard Teknik hosted the recently concluded conference Made by Djursland 2022, where talented SMEs in the area can meet, network and inspire each other. The idea stemmed from their own experience with automation, where the company has grown to around 70 employees using robots in production. And with a shortage of skilled labour in the area, robots are a possible solution to unlock the great potential that Djursland has. TV2...
EY nominates QRS for EY Entrepreneur of The Year 2022
QRS nominated for Entrepreneur of The Year 2022 in Funen region We are proud to be nominated in another competition this year. EY has nominated QRS for Entrepreneur of The Year 2022 for Funen. EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world's largest and most recognized growth competition, which for the 25th year is awarded in Denmark. It is a celebration of the entrepreneurs who build and run successful and dynamic businesses around the world. What is special about the EY award is that it...
QRS at the Chip Removal Days in Middelfart
Demonstration of SmartZell M20 at Chip Removal Days 2022When Mazak Denmark and KJV held Chip Removal Days for the industry and vocational schools in Middelfart on 5-7 October 2022, it was of course with QRS on the spot. CSO Olav Sjørslev and our robot programmer Freddy Buur-Mouridsen demonstrated the compact SmartZell M20 with servo drive together with Mazak's smallest 5-axis CNC milling machine, the Mazak CV5-500, several times during the 3-day event in Middelfart. At the event,...
CEO Jens J. Bonefeld nominated as Owner-Manager of the Year 2022
CEO Jens J. Bonefeld nominated for Owner Manager of the Year 2022 by PwC Denmark The nomination highlighted Jens' extensive insight and understanding of all products - including how they are produced. He believes it is an important parameter for managing his employees that he can talk to about the daily issues. In addition, it is crucial for QRS and Jens to create value for customers and deliver very high quality products - and Jens himself is committed to...
Visit to Mazak open-house in Middelfart
Mazak Denmark held an open house in their new domicile in Middelfart on May 19-20, 2022. On that occasion we were there to congratulate and hand over a nice bike with 'Mazak 2022 Grand Opening' printed on it. We also had the opportunity to demonstrate our SmartZell M20 with servo vulture, ensuring easy robotic automation.
Golf in the green
Fresh air and exercise in good company There were smiles on our faces and high spirits when we visited Barløseborg Golf Club on East Funen on 20 May.Although the sun sometimes hid behind the clouds, it was a beautiful day for a round of golf. After an introduction to equipment and good hitting technique, we all got to try our hand at swinging the various clubs on the driving range. For some it came quite naturally, while others needed a little warm up before the balls flew off there. Then it was on to the 9-hole course,...
Thanks to all the visitors who stopped by for Robotbrag 2022
Thank you to all the visitors who stopped by at Robotbrag 2022 More than 70 suppliers from the robotics industry gathered when DIRA Business opened the doors for ROBOTBRAG 2022 at the Danish Technological Institute in Odense.On 5-6 May, we exhibited at Robotbrag in Odense. We had a very good time with the many visitors and showed some of our solutions. As our booth was limited to a few square meters, we brought along a couple of 3D printed robot cells that we have...
3 robotstyrede bearbejdningscentre hos RIVAL A/S
3 robotic machining centres at Rival A/S We have previously described a project at RIVAL A/S where robotic automation of workpiece handling at the CNC machine has increased production capacity and reduced manual working time.
VOLA A/S receives robot no. 30 from QRS
VOLA is popularly synonymous with eminent quality and Danish design. The company originates from a haberdashery business founded back in 1873. A lot of water has flowed through the taps since then, and VOLA is today a piece of Danish history.
Michael Brejner celebrates 10th anniversary
Michael Brejner celebrates 10 years in QRS Our good colleague and talented Robot programmer, Michael Brejner, celebrates 10 years in QRS - or that is, we took the celebration a little early, as he can only really boast the anniversary on December 12. Michael Brejner is a very well-liked man here at the company, and it's actually not just his colleagues who share this view. Our customers, who visit Michael, can't help but notice his always good mood and not least...
Peter Knudsen celebrates 10th anniversary
Peter Knudsen celebrates 10 years at QRS Our Sales Engineer, Peter Knudsen, celebrates his 10th anniversary today, as he was hired as a fairy boy on September 1, 2011 at the age of 14.Peter Knudsen, who is a Sales Engineer here at QRS, can already boast a 10th anniversary at the age of 24. At the age of 14, he was hired as a fairy boy and faithfully did his hobby job. During school holidays he spent even more time in the company, helping both the Assembly Department and the Machine Shop with...
Spånligaen 2021
Successful exhibition at Spånligaen 2021 in Herning 3 days of exhibition at Spånliagen, hosted by the Danish Advanced Manufacturing Research Center, have come to an end.We had the pleasure of exhibiting at this year's Spånligaen, which was held from Tuesday 24 August to Thursday 26 August in Herning. Spånligaen is a gathering point for the chip industry, and as usual everything from machine demonstrations to tools and automation solutions could be seen. Interest from...
See you at Spånligaen in Herning on the 24.-26. August
Visit us at Spånligaen in Herning on 24.-26. August
We look forward to seeing you at our booth, where we exhibit a few cases and show you how easy it is to build your own robot cell using
Christian Aarup from RIVAL A/S talks about the cooperation with QRS
RIVAL A/S secures production capacity with a SmartZell T70 By robotically automating the part handling at the CNC machine, RIVAL A/S has ensured to increase its production capacity.
Our former apprentice has received his certificate of completed apprenticeship and tells a little bit about his time in QRS
Meet our former apprentice, Thomas Kunz, and hear him talk about his time at QRS Our former apprentice, Thomas Kunz, has been presented with his well-deserved certificate of apprenticeshipWe have had the pleasure of following Thomas Kunz through his apprenticeship here at QRS. Thomas has done very well, and his apprenticeship letter reveals that he has graduated with 2x top marks, and has incidentally been nominated for the Industry Award. Every year, around 3-400 apprentices from the metal industry are nominated who have excelled...
New faces at QRS
New faces at QRS We are busy and have therefore expanded our staff. We have just welcomed 4 new employees, you can read a little more about below:Børge Gammelmark Robot Programmer Børge is our new robot programmer, and will also be out of the house, where he works on the robot cells at customers. Børge has a background as an automation mechanic and service engineer, and we look forward to strengthening our team with Børge's skills. Lars Vest Hansen Team Leader, Construction...
QRS Interface
En QRS løsning er en brugervenlig løsning Det er blandt andet vores HMI-brugerflade, der gør at vores robotceller er utroligt nemme for en operatør at betjene. Alle vores robotceller er udstyret med en touchskærm, der har en unik QRS-brugerflade, som sikrer en nem og brugervenlig styring af cellen. Uanset om det er et stort og komplekst produktionsanlæg eller en kompakt SmartZell løsning. QRS-brugerfladen er udviklet således, at den er enkel og intuitiv at benytte. Det gør det let for...
Robot cell preparation
Running-in of robot cells How do we ensure that the implementation time at the customer is reduced to an absolute minimum?We have many exciting projects in progress and they take up some space in the production halls, as we have several cells set up to run them in here before delivery. This means that we set up the cell as if it were at the customer's site. This means that programming and testing can be carried out in-house, which significantly reduces implementation time when we start setting up...
Børsen Gazelle 2018 and 2019
Børsen Gazelle 2018 og 2019 Vi er stolte af at modtage endnu en Børsen Gazelle pris for 2019, da vi har haft mere end 100% vækst over de sidste 4 år. Det er vores 2. Gazelle pris.Stor skulderklap til alle i QRS for et stort og flot resultat. Hvad er en gazelle? En gazelle er en virksomhed, som i løbet af fire regnskabsår hvert år har haft positiv vækst og samlet set mindst fordoblet omsætningen over de fire år. Hvis virksomheden ikke opgiver omsætning i sit regnskab, beregnes væksten på...
KUKA System Partner Award for QRS
KUKA System Partner Award to QRS At the annual system partner meeting in Gothenburg, QRS was again awarded one of the five prizes that are awarded.The prize is awarded between 25 Nordic system partners and once again we are proud to receive this, it is a big pat on the back to QRS and all our employees. The award was presented at KUKA's annual partner event in Sweden where about 25 system partners from all over the Nordic region participated.CVR 28686420 Damsbovej 19 DK-5492 VissenbjergQRS A/S Tel: 7022 1005 E-mail: info@qrs.dkFølg...